No matter if you’re going to start welding or a hobbyist, you must be aware of all welding tools and their uses which we will give in this article. Generally, newbies assume that welding tools will cost them much, which is not valid. In most cases, you have to work with a few tools that aren’t very expensive. So have a look at the tools you need to conduct welding.
Welding tools
The tools required for the accomplishment of the welding project are as follows:
Welding Machine
The first and most important tool you need to have is a welder, as, without it, you can’t do anything, so wielding a machine on a priority basis. Each technique of welding, whether it is TIG welding, MIG welding, etc., all required separate welding machines to conduct these techniques.
If you are a professional welder, there is no other option except to buy several welding machines. So, if you are looking to start a welding workshop, then you must be ready to spend a considerable amount of money on their purchase. However, it is better for hobbyists to only get a MIG welder due to its versatile applications.
It’s against welding standards to weld on floors and also risky, so it’s inevitable to get a working bench for welding. Therefore, before starting your project, it’s better to buy a workbench because you can’t comfortably work without that. There are many small working tables available in the market that you can carry with you if you have to accomplish your task away from the workshop.
Metal files
Metal files is a cleaning tool that you can buy to make your welds clean and smoother. In some welding techniques, including TIG welding, you need to clear brittleness over the joints by scratching metal files. Moreover, you can also utilize this machine for clearing oxides on the surface of the base metals.
It is usually tough to hold workpiece metals altogether while executing your job; therefore, it is advised to use welding clamps. Besides, the function of a welding clamp is to fix two base metals concurrently. Otherwise, you’ll not be able to produce the necessary welds. Moreover, you can apply multiple clamps at a time, depending upon the number of pieces you have to join.
MIG Pliers
As a beginner, if you plan to start MIG welding that we recommend to a novice in this profession, don’t forget to buy MIG pliers. You can use this tool to spread molten metal over joints for removing the hot nozzle and clipping wire. In this way, you can do these little tasks shortly, which usually takes a lot of time.
Measuring tools
It is certainly necessary to have the right measuring tool as a welder because, in welding, every measurement should be right and errorless. There are various measuring tools available in the market, including meter ruler, screw gauge, vernier caliper, etc. We typically suggest the welder gets a digital vernier caliper which is not only precise but also convenient as well.
Angle Grinder
A skilled welder doesn’t perform welding unless he has an angle grinder because of its significant use in the process. It can be used to cut metal pieces, make joints smoother, and grind metals. You will feel helpless if you start your work without an angle grinder, so it’s a must-have tool. Moreover, an angle grinder can come as low as $15. Therefore, you can easily afford it.
Safety Equipment
Other than welding tools, you must have to wear safety gear to protect yourself. These are:
A welding helmet is as essential as a welding machine and torch as it protects the head, face, and neck from the spark of heat and spatters. Moreover, it is a must to wear safety equipment if you are welding overhead because there are huge chances of getting splashes of molten metal.
By wearing helmets, you will save yourself from eye flash burning. We suggest both newbies and pro welders buy an auto-darkening helmet because it doesn’t require you to flip it during the process. In this way, you can boost your welding productivity. Besides, these helmets reduce neck fatigue that usually happens due to the frequent flipping of standard welding helmets.
Many newbie welders ask to use safety goggles if they are wearing a welding helmet. The answer is with the use of glasses; you will minimize the chances of flash burn, which often results in vision loss. It is better to buy the pair of helmets and goggles together because manufacturers also urge them to use helmets and glasses.
Leather jackets for welding are popular among welders as it protects them from molten alloy splashes. Moreover, you can use these jackets for medium to heavy welding projects due to their incredible flame resistance capacity. However, if your budget is tight, then you can also buy a flame-resistance cotton jacket. But we can’t suggest you wear these jackets unless you’re working on a light project.
Welding is a challenging job; that’s why it is not wise to start the process without wearing gloves. Besides, it is necessary to wear inflammable gloves. Otherwise, they will not be worth it. Gloves wearing not only protect your hands and arms from spattering and also saves you from electric shock in case you’re using an electric welder. Moreover, different gloves are available in the market for different welding techniques, so use the suitable one for the job.
Some welders wear an apron beneath the welding jacket. In this way, they eliminate the chance of getting an injury. Moreover, the apron will protect your legs as well, which a welding jacket can’t. In our opinion, you should pair it up with sleeves and leg pads when working on a heavy project.
Primarily less trained welders use simple boots that aren’t good for protection against spatter and burn their feet. Therefore, it is crucial to wear heavy leather welding boots that are made to resist flames. But if you’re a hobbyist and are not going to completely weld, then welding spats are excellent. They are like boots but affordable.
When welding, it isn’t okay to just protect your external body from sparks, flames, and spatter. You also need to protect your internal organs as well because the welding procedure produces various types of fumes. These smokes are harmful if inhaled. That’s why always wear a mask or respirator while performing welding.
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